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Honors Math 124, 125, and 126


With my first quarter at UW, I started the standard math/chemistry/elective schedule. I chose to take Honors math, which was taught by Dr. Loveless and his amazing TA's. Dr. Loveless was able to explain concepts flawlessly and provide alternate examples whenever someone was confused, and his TA Simon was just as clear and concise, and also had an added bonus of wearing crazy hats to quiz section every week. I did get a nice shock when I failed my first midterm (of college too), but he had already assured us that that would happen and that there were many other chances to raise our grades.


The first quarter, we had around 70 students in our class, and every quarter, the number of students enrolled became smaller and smaller. Although it was sad to see people drop out, I became close with many in the class and really loved the idea of knowing someone in my classes and having a familiar face during lecture. As a whole, I loved the classes and the challenge that the honors part presented. As weird as this sounds, solving math problems has always been somewhat therapeutic for me and I had no problems with being given WebAssign problems as homework to solve. And if I couldn't figure it out, there was always WolframAlpha to help me (Edit: you only have three free answers a day now?!).


During spring quarter and our 126 final, we took a group picture shown below.





























Honestly there were not very many artifacts from this class, but the one thing I had fun with was when Loveless would assign us a handwritten problem to solve twice a quarter. I enjoyed them because he wrote them and always incorporated his sense of humor into it. Here's one of the assignments with my solutions as well.

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